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Why Equans

At Equans, we are constantly looking for new talent to strengthen our business and offer a complete service to our customers thanks to your technical expertise.

To those who don’t like long meetings and empty ideas, and who would rather solve a problem a thousand times over than talk about it for hours.

To those who think that a good idea is one that actually gets implemented.

To those who like numbers and calculations – not just on a blackboard, but in life, where they have a purpose and where they count.

To those who are passionate about technology – not just for the sake of it, but when it enables them to do things better and more efficiently.

To those who believe that it is in everyday life that we can take up the global challenges of the environment, with specific solutions and concrete actions.

To those who like to develop, suggest and put forward ideas – not just to shine, but to fully satisfy their clients.

To those who the smooth talkers sometimes find too serious, with their obsession with tiny details, but who are quite happy to call upon them when it comes to solving a problem!

To those who have always felt a little different, with their love of things, mechanisms and systems.

To all of them, we say: Join us.

Because at Equans – engineers or technicians – we are driven by the same thing that drives you: the desire to do the right thing.

Like you. when we work together, no challenge stands in our way.

It is this spirit that drives us. that binds us. and makes us proud.

And that’s why we can do great things together: build beautiful, useful, Innovative and effective creations that will serve you every day.

Proud to make it real.